Sunday, October 24, 2010


        Conveniences have a positive and negative effect on a person's life. Everyone enjoys when something they need or want is convenient being that they don't have to work hard to get it. Conveniences of things are especially good for people who are elderly or suffering from a painful illness. People would take advantage of things that are convenient because it doesn't have any meaning to them. People who are accustomed to things being convenient will struggle when they have to work much harder for simple things that they got before without having to do much for it.
        Elderly people and people who have an illness that affects them physically allowing the simplest task to becoming a strenuous tasks that takes a long amount of time to complete, benefit from the convenience of things. This helps them in a way because it allows them to get things that they need without them having to take an extra help in getting it. Things at a convenience also help elderly people and people who suffer from an illness that affects their physical abilities because they can do small things without the help of others.
        The convenience of things could also be a bad thing to some people. Those types of people are accustomed to things being at hands reach. They believe that everything should be able to be acquired easily when most things are not that way. They come to a point in their lives when the things that they want aren't as convenient as they used to be, they are going to struggle because they are not accustomed to working hard for things.   

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