Wednesday, October 20, 2010


          Everyone is required to attend school until they graduate with a high school diploma. Many aren’t up to the task and give up, and drop out. Others go beyond the expected school years and move on to colleges or universities to further expand their knowledge. At a young age teachers make sure to teach you the necessary things to make your life easier. The basics are taught when in pre-school such as colors, shapes, numbers, and letter. Then in elementary letters turn into something more like sounds which make up words. You begin to read and express yourself through your writings. Then the numbers become equations and are included in word problems you have to solve. Math is a required subject in school as it should be. Without numbers or whatever that has to do with mathematics we would be lost with everyday life.
          Math is used for about everything, from knowing how much something cost to knowing what time it is. When you buy something at the store its necessary to know the value of it and what the quantity of money you will have to give in. Being able to tell the time requires comprehension of mathematics. When using the phone you have to know the right number combination to reach the person you want to talk to. Also when trying to figure out how much of something you have you can use multiplication, addition, division, or subtraction. As you can see numbers and mathematics are a very important aspect in our lives either if it’s the simplest thing or the most difficult, it helps us to solve problems.

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