Monday, October 11, 2010

"A time I was brave"

It was the month of August the year 2007 and my church was having a camping trip. I was very excited about spending three nights in the mountains. I knew it was going to be a lot of fun, because all my friends were going to be there. There was a swimming pool, basketball court, a game room, and a soccer field. My friend, Jacky, convinced me to go to the swimming pool with her. I had had a bad experience at a much younger age that involved a swimming pool, so it didn't really catch my attention. I remember that at the age of five I went down a water slide and almost drowned in the twelve foot deep zone. I wasn't the same ever since then, I would only put my feet in the water. I had to get over it and have fun with my friends, and enjoy my time there. Jacky knew i was scared to go to the deep end and she didnt pressure me. She actually helped me by teaching me how to swim. I learned after two days and countless hours in the pool. It was time for me to go in the deep side and swim across to the other side of the pool. I had to be brave and knowing she was next to me made it better. I swam across the pool and when i reached the other side I was proud of myself.

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