Sunday, October 24, 2010


          Communication has changed drastically in the past twenty years. It has become more advanced. You can transfer information way faster than you could have twenty years ago. There are multiple ways of communicating, other than communicating on the telephone or in person. You can use the internet, cellular devices and web cams to communicate with people around the world.
          Twenty years ago, the majority of people didn't have a cell phone. Now almost everyone has a cell phone. Some cell phones allow you to surf the internet, send and receive text messages, and send and receive emails. Cell phones allow you to communicate with people in  fast and convenient ways. You can send and receive text messages while talking on your cellular device. Advanced cell phones even allow you to video chat and see where your friends are.
           Another source that has changed the way we communicate in the past twenty years is the internet. The internet allows you to send and receive instant messages and emails. It also allows you to communicate with old friends and make new friends by using social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook. You can use internet sites to communicate with family or friends that aren't in the same state or country as you. You can connect a web cam to your computer and communicate with other people who also have a web cam. Ways of communicating will continue to change as technology advances.

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