Sunday, October 24, 2010


       There are plenty of qualities you can find in a person that makes them beautiful inside. Then there are other negative qualities you see in a person that makes them obnoxious. I find people that are cooperative have a better chance in making it in life than people who only worry about themselves. Cooperation is the act of helping others, or working together. If you only think of yourself and do your own thing you can get far, but imagine having someone to help you along the way. That would help you get to the finish line much faster than you being by yourself. There are people that have too much pride and don’t ask for help, and there are others that know they need it and don’t know who to go to. I feel its important for every one to be cooperative, you never know whose life you can change or make better.
      When you work with people you social skills improve and you get things done right because there are people there to help you. If you are not the one being helped, then most likely you are the one helping others. I try to cooperate at home with the chores I do in order to give my parents a break from their stressful jobs. Family and friends cooperate with each other in time of need. Teachers and students have to cooperate with each other so work can get done. No matter who you are cooperation can always make your life easier.

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