Monday, October 18, 2010


    All around the world there are people from different backgrounds and with different cultures. Depending on where you were brought up and with who, your ideals and interests can be similar with the ones that grew up with you. There are other times where the people that have been around you all your life have different interest from you. Most of the time when you come from different backgrounds your interests are more likely to be different. People get to know each other and share their culture and their passion for whatever they take interest in.
    I believe that if this was the case the two people from different backgrounds with different interest are usually unlikely to become allies. Once you are raised a certain way its instilled in you to remain strong with what you believe. When you encounter another person who believes in something contrary to you your natural reaction is to become defensive. You either attack the other person’s beliefs and impose yours, trying to convince the opposing person that you are right and that they are wrong.
    There are other people though that act in a mature manner and have respect for others beliefs, ideas, or what they are interested in. It captures their interest to learn about something new that they have not been exposed to. They take their time in informing themselves about another person’s unique form of lifestyle. Its not common for this to happen though. People become ignorant with the different cultures, ideas, or interests another person might have and stay enclosed within their own world with their bias ideas or lifestyle.

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