Thursday, October 28, 2010

"New Friend"

       There isn’t a manual on how to make a new friend. I don’t really find it hard to make friends, it might take me a while since I am very shy. I don’t go up to people, I let them come to me first. Its rare when I start a conversation with a stranger. I only do it if I really have to do it. From experience, it all depends on how someone approaches you. If the person is friendly and kind, you start to talk. Once you start getting to know each other and hanging out you become friends. You become comfortable with the other person, and start building a friendship. Most likely you have things in common and do them together in order to spend some time with each other.
         You are likely to become friends with people at school, since you are around them the most during the day. You’re classmates and your teacher partners you up with someone in your class. You usually don’t just talk about the work, you try to have a normal conversation. Making new friends all depends on you and your attitude. If people find you to be a friendly person they will come to you. It might feel awkward at first when speaking to someone you usually don’t talk to. In time that feeling goes away. You never know the kind of friendships you are missing out on, if you do not put yourself out there. The more you try then more likely you will gain new friends.

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