Saturday, October 30, 2010


A vegetable is a plant grown for food. They are very nutritious and provide different types of vitamins. The more vegetables that a person eats, the healthier the person seems to be. When I think of vegetables, I think about the food that elderly people eat. Older people think that vegetables are good and they add it into their diet. I only think that a couple of vegetables are somewhat tasty. Most of the vegetables that I have tasted seem to be nasty. They don't really have any flavor. Adults usually make children eat them because they supposedly help you grow. The one vegetable that I dislike the most is beets. Beets are plants with an edible red or white root. They look like cranberry sauce but is extremely nasty. It has this tangy taste. When I taste a beet, I feel like spitting it out and throwing up. Its like you are trying to take some medicine. The juice makes it even worst. Just thinking about the taste of beets make me sick. I remember the first time that I had to eat beets. It was one the worst experience that I ever had. The smell is also horrible. When I smell it, I cover up my nose. The ones that come in the can smells even worst. I really don't know how a person could be able to eat such a thing. I believe that beets is the worst vegetable ever. I would eat anything other than beets. I would never suggest beets to a person who has never had it before.

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