Sunday, November 7, 2010


      Public school are schools that are paid for by the federal government. Any child is able to go to a public school. In a public schools, the teacher may teach a class of at least 25 or more. In elementary school, a student gets a new teacher every school year. In junior high and senior high, a student must change their classes for every class and their teachers will also change every year. There are many public schools in many different districts. A child is assigned a school to go to depending on where they are living at the moment. If a student wants to go to a different school, they need to obtain a permit.A student may be able to get into a different school if that school has any available spots for them. If a student wants to go somewhere far away from where they live, they could catch the school bus. In public schools, there are strict time settings that you must follow. You must get to school on time. If a student doesn't get to school on time, there may be a consequence such as detention. Detention is where a student has to spend their free time doing work in complete silence.
        When a student is home schooled, they go to school once or twice a week and get their assignments for that week. Some students may even have a personal tutor that comes to their house or designated area, to teach that particular student all of the things he or she needs to know. Children who are home schooled, don't have as many restrictions as children who attend a public school. Instead of having one teacher teach 25 students, one teacher or tutor focuses on how to teach one child. This allows the teacher to learn what the child's needs are, and focus on them so they could improve. There is no strict time schedule, so a child could be somewhat late and not face any consequences. They both teach children the things that they need to know. In both school systems, students are allowed to take breaks. Public schools and home schools are different and similar in so many ways.

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