Sunday, November 7, 2010

"UC Prompt 2"

       A personal quality that is important to me is my dedication. I find this quality to be important because when a person is committed to something, it means they stick with it no matter what. That’s something that makes me proud because I don’t quit I keep trying until I accomplish what I set to do. I know that when my family or friends feel like giving up I’m the one that motivates them. I impact peoples lives when I tell them they can do it and that believe in them. I’ve had moments in my life when I needed someone to that for me and it made me jump and go for it. My dedication to school will soon pay off when I have a career I’m proud of.
        I am dedicated with my church, I am there every Saturday and Sunday in the afternoon. Its rare when I miss and if I do its because I have other responsibilities like homework. I usually do things in a timed manner so I won’t worry about it and cause unnecessary stress. When I know I have an assignment or I have to be somewhere I am punctual with it. I like to get things done on my own so that way if something goes wrong I can only blame myself and improve on it. This personal trait has helped me go through life smoothly.
        I’m responsible with everything I do, dedication is needed in order to be responsible. A lot of other qualities come with being dedicated, such as strength. Strength is necessary so you won’t give up when you get frustrated. Not every one can be dedicated whether if its with their school, goals, or people in general that’s why I think its unique. It does bring some type of pride when I accomplish the things I set my mind to. I needed dedication in order to reach second degree red belt in Martial Arts. I was good in sparring and if it wouldn’t had been for my father losing his job and us being able to afford it, I would have earned a black belt.
         I enjoyed practicing Martial Arts, each new belt was an obstacle I had to go through in order to reach the ultimate belt. I had to practice the forms my instructor taught me. The test to move to the next level helped me advance. I learned to have discipline and be more respectful. I was a dedicated student and it showed because I always had my moves right on point. When lower belts needed help I was the one the instructor chose to teach them. I never made them feel like they were inferior, I told them that the time would pass by in no time and they would reach their goal. It was physically and mentally challenging because I wasn’t used to it but then over time I became a strong willed person.
       My experience with Martial Arts made me dedicated to something I enjoyed. It helped me stay focus with a certain thing and I later on used that focus in other areas of my life. I became dedicated with school, church, family, and friends. I was responsible and I learned to have things done on time. I had a higher self-esteem coming out of Martial Arts and dedication was instilled in me. It would be hard for me to give up on something, and I would only work hard to make it happen.

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