Sunday, November 7, 2010

"UC Prompt 1"

         The world I come from is not only productive, but inspiring at the same time. I am glad to say I am blessed with health, and a supportive family. I feel those are the most important things in my life right now. The way my parents have structured their home is God is first, your family second, then school, and lastly your friends. I feel that I need that support in order to achieve the goals I have set for myself. I want to not only make myself proud, but also my loving family. I have seen my parents struggling to keep the necessary things in their household. I know what it feels like to worry about how the rent will be paid, so I have made up my mind to be successful in life. In order to have a good life I have to start now by being productive in school as well as in my home.
        At a young age I have gone through many things that have shaped me into the person I am today. I know I’m mature to handle mostly anything that comes my way because of what I’ve experienced. I have had people come and go in my life and learned you have to be strong and not let it bring you down. I have God to thank for protecting me all these years, and keeping me well. My family has been there for me through everything and have loved me despite my minor imperfections.
I help my in any way I can, I have responsibilities in my home. My father currently lost his job at the Westin Hotel, and my mother is the only one bringing money in. I took it upon myself to help her by getting a small job on the weekends. I clean Mrs. Brown’s home when she need me to. The money I earn goes to my mother, I feel I contribute to the family and I don’t feel guilty that its only my mother working. If I could get a part job time it would be perfect, but I cant let it interfere with school.
         I take school very seriously, I will be the first in my family to graduate High School. I want to be a role model to my younger sister and I want to make my family proud. They are my inspiration when it comes to school. My family always tells me how they are proud and they say I have the potential to be whatever I want to be. I know I can make it into a college if I try hard enough, and that exactly what I’ve been doing. My brother is the main one pushing to do my best. When I know I haven’t done my best I feel disappointed in myself, and work harder than ever. If I’ve ever felt weak and not able to do something I look for him to give me advice which always motivates me.
        The hardships people go through can seem like a big deal at the moment but in time they become less important. I feel that if you focus on the present your past will soon fade away and make the future the more better. You can improve yours and your family’s life when setting a goal and reaching it, their support will be the key to your success.
       The people closest to you always have the right words to say to you. I find it fascinating how a person‘s surroundings can make them who they are. If it weren’t for my family I don’t think I would like my world, they help me get through the hardships in life. I know there aren’t many people that have someone to talk to and that why I want to be a psychologist. I think its in my nature to want to help out people like my family has done for me. I am a great listener and I give plenty of advice to my friends which in the end makes their lives better. If while doing something I enjoy I can make a person life better, I would do it in a heart beat.

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