Thursday, December 2, 2010

"Semester Essay Eight"

    I believe that students should be able to get their license at the age of sixteen. There are quite a few teenagers that are very mature and are able to prove that they are responsible. The younger the teenager starts driving, they will have more experience on the road and will be much better drivers than their friends, who may have started at a later age like eighteen for example. It is much easier to teach a teenager, who is sixteen, how to drive than it is a teenager who is eighteen. Another reason why teenagers should be allowed to get their license at the age of sixteen because it becomes an inconvenience for both them and their parents.
Teenagers who start driving at a younger age, will be more safer drivers than those who have waited until they are almost an adult to learn how to drive. Those two years, could be crucial to the development of the way a person drives. The more experience that a sixteen year old gets on the road, the more that it would benefit him or her. By the time they are at the age of eighteen, they will be very experienced drivers and will be the cause of less accidents. At the age of sixteen, they will be able to learn how they like things arranged. For example, the driver's seat, rear view mirrors, and side view mirrors.
    I think that it is much easier to teach a person who is sixteen years old than an eighteen year old how to drive. It is easier to teach a sixteen year old how to drive being that they never experienced it before and are more eager to learn how to do it. The younger a person is, the more open that they will be. An eighteen year old, may have a more difficult time learning how to drive. Their mind is slightly closed off. Another reason why its a more difficult task is because they think that they may know better ways of doing things than their instructor does.
    It is a hassle to try to get a ride from someone. This is what a teenager would have to do, if they aren't able to get their driver's license by the age of sixteen. They would have to ask their parents and/or their siblings if they could drive them to places that they want or have to go. For example, if a teenager wants to go out with a person, they have to have someone to drop them off and pick them up. This may become a bit expensive due to the fact that the designated driver has to make two trips to the same place. If you're a teenager like me, you don't want to be told by someone that you have to stop everything you're doing and go home. Some parents may even forget about their children, and leave them stranded until they go get them. Driving will help teenagers become independent and learn to depend on themselves more than others.
    I believe that the law should remain the same. Teenagers who are of the age of sixteen and older should be allowed to get their license and drive. All teenagers aren't like the ones that you hear about on television that are under the influence of some type of stimulant and causing deadly car accident. It is less of hassle for them to get to and from places when the only person that they have to depend on is themselves. It is easier for a sixteen year old to learn how to drive. Driving a car, will teach a sixteen year old how to be responsible. Letting teenagers get their license at sixteen will allow them to improve and become much better drivers by the time that they are adults.

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